Picture of MAXIM athlete Shane Messer


Full time family man during the week, pro climber on the weekends! 

There are few who are competing with the best while raising a kid, maintaining a full time job, and fitting training into the gaps that remain. Shane has been called a do’er by friends and family. He’s always had an ability to accomplish anything he truly devotes himself to. Whether it’s climbing or teaching his kid to ride a bike, or setting for a big competition. Getting the job done is second nature to him.

Birthday: February 19, 1986
Home town: Fayetteville, NC
Current home: Boston, MA
Favorite MAXIM rope: The Airliner

"MAXIM has saved my ass more times than I can count. These ropes have been the absolute best in terms of durability! By far the best ropes I’ve climbed on! "

"The airliner is my go to send rope! It’s been tied to my crotch for all of my hardest sends!"

Shane Messer

Get to know Shane ...

Tell us how and when you got into climbing?
I got into climbing after a serious kidney malfunction when I was 19. 

What are you doing when you are not climbing? 
Being the best dad and husband I can be! You can find me at the playground and hanging with my family!

What is the soundtrack of your life (favorite song)?
Hummmmm….. Bryce Vine, Glamorama 

Do you have any peculiar eating habits? 
When training, I follow a no dairy, no grains, and no processed sugars diet. When I’m not training, I’m on the seefood diet.

What stokes you the most? 
Progress. Life progress or climbing progress. I love to see development in myself and those around me. 

If you could choose a super power, what would it be? 
The ability to fall asleep on command. that’d really help with the long flights overseas...

What was your favorite climbing adventure?
Anytime in Spain!

What would you be doing if you weren’t a pro climber?
eing a pro route setter (Which I am!)

Career Highlights

Rollito Sharma

Country/City: Santa Linya, Spain
Grade: 5.14a
Length: 20 meters

This was my first 5.14 on Spanish limestone  

Urban Surfer

Country/City: Rumney, NH
Grade: 5.13d
Length: 20 meters

I’d wanted to do this route since I moved to New England. It’s the best route I’ve done at Rumney to date!

USA Climbing Nationals

Country/City: Denver, CO (2017)
Grade: First national team at 31 years old
Rank: 5th place

I never thought I’d ever make a national team but this is a great example of what hard work and dedication can do!

© Austin Cope, Alex Uceny, Keith North, Shane Messer

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