Endura Dry treated Airliner


Climbing ropes are made of nylon, which takes up water and results in heavier and stiffer ropes. In order to avoid water intake, MAXIM® developed Endura DRY, a multi-stage application process to protect MAXIM® ropes against water. However, Endura DRY does more than keeping water out of the rope. The coating also lubricates individual core fibers to improve the resistance to internal abrasion that can occur beneath the surface.

Endura STD-DRY

Standard (STD) dry ropes run through the first stage of the process where water-repellent coating is applied to the individual core yarns prior to the braiding process. All MAXIM® ropes have STD-DRY treated cores surrounded by a durable, protective nylon sheath to lock in the water-blocking power of the coating. This includes our indoor gym ropes.  Your safety comes first at Maxim.

Endura 2x-DRY

Select models of MAXIM® ropes also pass the second stage of the Endura DRY process and feature 2x-DRY treatment. These ropes are treated a second time by submerging the finished rope in our proprietary dry coating. Afterwards, the finished rope runs through an environmentally controlled process to create a chemical bond between coating and fibers.

MAXIM® ropes with Endura 2x-DRY treatment takes in less than 5 % of their weight in water. Therefore, they also fulfill the requirements to be marked as UIAA water-repellent according to UIAA standard 101.  

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